sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Una tarea de ingles que encontré por ahí.

Estaba ordenando mi habitación, cuando entre una pila de papeles, encontré una vieja tarea de ingles que me hizo  darme cuenta lo molesto que había sido como alumno durante el colegio. La tarea se trataba de escribir un cuento de aproximadamente diez líneas. Sin mas que agregar, les dejo la trascripción exacta del relato.

“The Bardo Maker I”

Once upon a time, in a village far far away, there was a mysterious man, whose friends called him “The bardo maker”.
   He liked to went to places and make “Bardo”, for example one time, he went to the “monumental” football stadium, and went to the River Plate’s grade, and started screaming: “¡hey chickens, come here if you are so much mans, moustache masks, homosexual cats!”
   Five minutes later, he was entering to the hospital with all the bones broken… one hour later, he died.

Juan Sabena.

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